//CLI PROJECT ideas…

Cody Merritt
Nov 25, 2020


Notebook doodles about my first CLI project
Paper by WeTransfer — still my favorite, whoever owns it

Browsing through public APIs today stoked my fascination with all the ways text messaging is made for screen. I feel like House of Cards did it first? That can’t be true…

“House of Cards” scene of Kate Mara looking at phone while text messaging interface is overlayed left side of screen
‘Clear All’ button makes the cut? Nice — House of Cards (2013)

I had wanted to include one of my favorite scenes involving technology and the ways it can create suspense, but the text messaging happens from inside the phone. No ghostly chat bubbles here!

Close Up of someone’s iPhone, a chat bubble from unknown person reads: “Tell me something you find unsettling”
iPhone does the heavy lifting — Personal Shopper (2017)



